Time to get personal. A character flaw I personally struggle with is pride and ego. I often times find myself having to belittle others in order to build myself up. Even things such as little condescending comments or pointing out other people's imperfections or failures gives us a quick and cheap sense of superiority.
However, this is only a quick high. It only lasts until our self esteem is drained and we need to build ourselves up again at the expense of someone else.
But what we don't always realize is these slight, under the breath, minor, pokes, whether to ourselves, or in a public forum (even Facebook), point out OUR character flaw, not the victims.
Every time we need to put someone else down to build ourselves up, for a false sense of superiority, we are left marked as the one flawed.
As Christians I believe we should be helping each other in our spiritual journey to Heaven. We should be building each other up, not tearing each other down. This doesn't necessarily mean tolerance, but at least, respect with a heart of charity.
The next time we want to isolate an individual and point out their flaws, weakness, or perceived failures, let's examine ourselves first. Let's build them up and encourage them to persevere. Let's be an example of Christ's unconditional, self-sacrificing love.
Tearing others down, only reveals our own brokenness and longing for a void only God can fill.
Thanks for sharing!
Agreed: yes. Guilty: yes. Thanks for the reminder.
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