ALBUM HELP: Choosing the Cover!

We are getting closer folks! I feel like I've been preparing this release for SO long and it's finally just around the corner. YOU have been so instrumental (no pun intended) in the decision making process. You've helped determine which type of PACKAGING for manufacturing and what the TITLE of the album should be. However, I need your help once again, to help me decide which cover we should go with!

We have two options available to us. Let's call this first one WINDOW and the second one GUITAR.



This is your opportunity to have a direct impact on the decision making process for this album! I'd love to hear what you think! Which cover should we go with? WINDOW or GUITAR?

* Graphic design by Ian Hyde - Castronova Designs // Photography by Tonni G Photography


Anonymous said...


Linzey said...


Anonymous said...

I love them both, Chris! But if I had to choose the window one suits the title of the album better in my opinion.
Good luck! Can't wait for the new album!

Tina said...

I would pick Window for sure!!!! Classic!!

Danielle said...

I think the window one looks great.

Anonymous said...

Definitely Window! I think the letters on the guitar don't have enough contrast for the title. Window is really mice and unique. :)

Unknown said...

window for sure bro!

Anonymous said...


Angelica said...

Window all the way.

Luke Langman said...

I like the moodier side of you; mysterious, distant... definitely window.