Get The New Live Worship Album Now!

The Praises of His People Promo I’m excited to announce the pre-release of my brand new live worship album titled, “The Praises of His People”. What’s even better is you can get it NOW before it’s even released! For several years I’ve wanted to create a project that is functional, that enables people to be able to enter into worship with God. The goal of this record was to create an experience that Christ followers could worship along with in their car on their way to work or throughout their day and feel like they are part of a larger church, together worshipping our Creator. This worship tool releases officially on Tuesday, March 17th, however, I’m giving everyone the ability to get a pre-release digital download if they join my PARTNER PROGRAM through Thanks so much and God bless!


The Praises of His People Cover The Praises of His People Back Cover


Hermínio said...

How i to buy this cd praises to people?

chrisbraymusic said...

It will be available to purchase from my online store, iTunes / Amazon & CD Baby on March 17th with Canadian retail shortly thereafter :)