It's always incredible to be able to witness to many passionate young Christians, who are fired up about their faith. It's an encouragement to see this in action, especially in a world that diminishes and persecutes you for belief in God, somehow equating it to the belief in the tooth fairy (sorry if I just ruined the surprise for ya).
One of the main reasons I can get behind an organization such as Compassion Canada, is because it's not merely a social justice initiative, it's also an evangelization initiative. There are many great organizations out there that feed and clothe people. That's good, we're called to do this. However, the reason my wife and I get behind Compassion Canada specifically is their slogan:
"the difference is Jesus".
Compassion isn't just giving them food, clothing, schooling, etc. tending their temporal needs. Compassion is also tending their spiritual needs as well. They are giving children an opportunity to learn about something eternal. Approximately 500 children PER DAY are making a commitment to Christ, and sponsors have the opportunity to help mentor and encourage perseverance on our journey to Heaven. Food is important, but it won't ever truly satisfy. Christ himself tells us in John 6 that only he can give us the bread of life, himself, his flesh. That's how much he loves us, and he calls us to love others in the same way.
I am so proud of the group gathered at this conference with over 40 children sponsored, lives are being changed FOREVER. These youth get it. They understand what being part of a family is all about--The Body of Christ is one. Praise God!
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