It Could Have Been Way Worse

Every once in a while things happen in life that force you to take a step back. Sometimes these circumstances are Satan trying to distract us, other times it's God trying to get our attention. This past week left me confused...

Molly finds a worm in
the dirt
It all started Thursday when we realized we had water leaking into our basement through the wall and we went outside under our deck to see why. Turns out it was a sewage pipe backed up from a septic tank we weren't supposed to have, and this pipe was sticking out of the ground. Three days of labor, several trenches, good conversation with the plumbing team and lots of methane fumes later--we could flush again.

Finally on Sunday, after this stressful encounter and plumbing disaster we had a day of rest and visiting with family. That night Katie realized one of arms holding the diamond in her engagement ring was missing!

Monday, Katie was in a fender bender because the driver in front of her stopped suddenly.

Tuesday we woke up fresh with a new perspective on the week, even though it was pouring rain outside. I came downstairs to the kitchen and my heart stopped when I heard water gushing from our basement. I walked down, and it looked like we had a water facet coming from an open pipe in our wall!

Katie and I started to talk about why all of these things were happening. We were trying to discern if this was Satan trying to distract us or discourage us, or it was God trying to teach us something and speak to us.

Through some prayer and discussion this is what we realized:

Norah and Molly, loving
the new sandbox

  • THANKFULLY - the sewage didn't backup into our basement, we didn't have to rip up our deck, and it didn't cost us a second mortgage to fix it.

  • THANKFULLY - the diamond didn't fall out of the ring, and we can easily have it repaired.

  • THANKFULLY - No one was hurt in the accident, and there was virtually no damage.

  • THANKFULLY - I walked downstairs at the same time it started raining outside to find that water had JUST started gushing through, or else our basement would have been a pool.

It could have been way worse. In addition, Molly & Norah got a sandbox out of the deal, and we got to spend the whole time together as a family. We decided that this past week was blessing upon blessing, in many ways.

Does anyone else have a story to share?

1 comment:

Scott Jackson said...

As I read your story, I was thinking about our new house, and the fact that the old owners didn't have any history about their septic tank. So how long has it been since it was emptied? So many things we want to do to make the house more "us", but after reading your story, maybe I need to check the septic tank!