What I'm Thankful For

In Canada this long weekend we celebrate Thanksgiving. Sorry all you American folks, you have to wait a few more weeks to be thankful ;)

I think our lives get so busy that we don't take the time to step back and reflect on all the ways God has blessed us. It's so easy for us to get consumed with work, school, relationships, twitter, facebook, blogging (ahem), cell phones, TV, sports, magazines, books... the list goes on.

It's interesting that we allocate only one day a year to show our thankfulness. Personally, I'd like to take that on as a challenge. I'd like to not go one more day without acknowledging my thankfulness to God for what he has given me, each and every day.

So here's my list so far, I'll add to it as I go...

I'm thankful for:

SALVATION - That I know a God who loves me enough to die on a cross for me and forgives me when I fail. A God who pursues me with love and mercy.

MY WIFE - Who knows me so well, who loves and supports me even when it means sacrifice and hardship. Who enriches me and brings out everything good that I have within.

MY CHILDREN - Who bring so much joy to my life. Who already can love on a level that I'm not capable of understanding. Who have so much potential.

FAMILY - Who are nurturing and supportive. Who love unconditionally and help us grow together.

FRIENDS - Who care, support, love, laugh, and share in our joys and struggles. Who understand when are going through hard times and always offer a lending hand.

OUR SPONSOR CHILD - Who teaches us how to think beyond ourselves. How to have compassion for others and to value what's really important in life.

OUR HOME - A place of our own, with comforts, challenges and love.

HEALTH - That thus far we've only had to struggle with minor health issues, and nothing major or life changing.

FREEDOM - While even the most democratic governments still impose restrictions on certain fundamental moral and natural laws, I am thankful that I am allowed to love my God publicly.

GIFTS & TALENTS - I take great joy from seeing the joy in others as a fruit of a gift and talent God has given me.

For all the ways God has blessed me, my ministry, our family, friends and our life--Thank-you Lord. And thanks to all of you who continue to pray and support my ministry.

Each and every day, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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