Having a child has helped me grow in many ways. One of those ways includes my faith journey. As our daughter gets older, gets more personality and more character I can't help but be brought back. I look at my own child who thoroughly enjoys life.
Our family has been blessed so abundantly in so many ways. We haven't had to suffer or struggle like so many others all over this world. But at the same time, we try to live a simple life. I was watching my daughter laugh and play. She wasn't playing with fancy toys or elaborate entertainment systems, she was simply having a 'conversation' with her toes, for twenty minutes!
It dawned on me, how we as adults fill our lives with so many complexities, so many 'things' designed to give us temporary joy, temporary love, temporary fulfillment. We stress about things such as if we are going to have enough money to buy the brand new house of our dreams or if we can go that tropical vacation (to watch imported cable TV). We spend our time trying to accomplish these things with the mindset that if we just work hard enough, we'll finally be able to afford that one thing that will make us truly happy.
I started thinking about my daughter. She doesn't stress about where her dinner will come from. She trusts that her parents will provide. She doesn't have the need for elaborate toys, she lives in the moment and makes the most of it. And believe me, if you were able to see her beautiful smile as much as I do, you would know that's true.
I think God is calling us to that same child like faith. He doesn't want us to worry, to stress, to try and fill our lives with substance that might provide temporary fulfillment (and still fall short). He wants us to trust in Him, completely. He wants to be the one that we get our fulfillment from.
I used to believe I was a relatively smart person, but this was a lesson that was taught to me by a child, and took twenty-five years for me to finally understand.
1 comment:
I've learned a great deal through our children, patience, love and innocence. Through our relationships, we explore how we see things in our world, and more and more, I've learned to allow them to explain themselves as opposed to putting words into their mouths. It's truly a blessing to see the innocence of the world through their eyes.
The most profound understanding I have had raising children, is a greater understanding of God's love. As a parent, you are there to pick them up as they fall, to support them when they need you, and to rejoice in them as they learn, grow and laugh. You are also there to remind them of the people they are called to be, which can be hard lessons in life.
God bless Chris.
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